Friday, May 14, 2010

Pictures and it was their idea!

In the previous post, I mentioned that I took pictures of the girls at The Rock Ranch. The scenery was just beautiful. There were so many places to take great photos. Since I had been taking them all day, I figured it would be just torture on my part to get them to take more. I was getting ready to call it a day when I heard Laney( my child who  REALLY HATES taking photos right now) says, "Mom, come and take a picture of me by the stream." Awww! Every mothers dream( or at least mine right now). To hear those words just made my day! Have I mentioned what a huge hassle it has been lately to get Laney to take pictures.

My only would have been nice if I could have given them a bath and changed there clothes first.


  1. Great pictures, and I can't even tell they're dirty! LOL! :) Really, I can't! That was nice of Laney to be a willing participant. I have an unwilling one on my hands as well...Caleb HATES me taking pictures. But -- he might as well get over it quickly because it's not stopping anytime soon!

  2. too adorably cute!!!!!

    -lori kh2o

  3. Great pics! I figured you were going to say they ended up IN the stream...hey, at least they would have gotten that bath you mentioned!

  4. They turned out so good! Even without the wardrobe change :)
