Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Girls and their accessories...

A couple of weeks ago, I ran through the Christmas in the South.  First, let me explain what Christmas in the South is. It is a huge event where people can shop. You will see anything from jewelry to porch swings. Normally, you are suppose to gradually make your way down each aisle, gazing at all the things you wish you had. I tend to walk around telling myself.....I could so make that! So now let me  explain why I put the word ran in my first  sentence. We had a fall festival that same day and  I had to be there early which  left me  with  2 hours and 5 minutes to make  mental notes of my most favorite ideas. Along the way, I saw this hair bow and loved it. When I was a sahm, I would have attempted to make this but now some things are just easier to buy.
Ella loves her new accessory!

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