Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Community Helper Day

I volunteered to be head coordinator for the theme days at our school. Since we have been talking about community helpers in my class, I decided our first theme day would be Community Helper Day. I invited local helpers from our community to visit our school.

We had a local fire department bring their truck and talk to us about fire safety.

See that huge match. That would have been nice to have when I needed to light ALL those candles on my husband's birthday cake!

We had a local postal worker bring her mail truck. 

She showed us the back of the truck and told us it would not be empty much longer!

We had a nurse visit and tell us about the spreading of germs. She did an experiment with the kids. They put their hands in flour and sat down at the table. Lets just say the table was no longer brown but white.

Makes me want to go home and take a shower!

We had a local policeman bring the D.A.R.E car. He let the class sit in the car, listen to the sirens and he passed out t-shirts, pencils and coloring books. He also brought a special guest McGruff the crime fighting dog. Surprisingly, I only had I child afraid of McGruff!

The children were allowed to dress up as a community helper. Both of my girls chose to be a teacher. They picked out what they thought a teacher would wear and carry. Laney quickly said she needed a teacher bag to hold her clipboard and phone. Ella on the other hand filled her teacher bag with toys. If only I could carry around toys instead of lesson plans and papers.

Thank you to all the community helpers out there. You are appreciated!

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