Wednesday, January 25, 2012

I made it to the 100th day of school!

I figured since I had made it this far, the class and I needed to celebrate!

Here are a few of the things we did for Our 100th Day Celebration.

I gave each child a $100 (before you panic or think I am rich, checkout the picture below) and asked what they were going to do with it. I thought some of the answers were quite humorous. An activity like this reminds me of how they have no clue about the value of $100. Many of them thought they could buy a car with it. My child wrote this.....

If I had a $100, I would home (I am pretty sure she left out buy).

We counted out 10 snacks from 10 different stations so we would end up with 100 snacks to eat for snack time.

We read the book 100th Day Worries. It is about a little girl who worries about what 100 items she should  bring for the 100th day of school.

I sent home a bag the night before and told the class to fill it with 100 items.

The next day, they were to give clues about what item was in their bag.

Ella's clues:
1. It is correct guesses.
2. It is correct guesses.
3.  You use it to ride a ride at the fair or fall festival........everyone guessed it!

I allowed them to share so she gave everyone a ticket.

Next, we decorated my aid with 100 happy face stickers.

We also made a necklace with 100 fruit loops, made a picture using the number 100,

and made 100 second cookies.

Check back later on how we made these. The were unique and yummy!

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