Wednesday, November 23, 2011

PreThanskgiving ideas

I know most of you are probably thinking about Thanksgiving dinner right about now. I thought I would share a few of the things we did in my class to help prepare for Thanksgiving.

We discussed Pilgrims, Indians and Thanksgiving. We read several books and talked about how the Indians used the resources around them. 
We used blackberries to paint our headbands.

We made homemade butter for our Thanksgiving Feast.

This is so easy to make. Take a baby food jar, pour in heavy whipping cream and add a pinch of salt. Just shake the jar until it firms up and you have creamy butter.

We played a little game while shaking our jars. The class danced to music but when it stopped they had  to rest.

For the adults, this is a great arm workout!

We made a few Thanksgiving keepsakes.

Turkey place card made with finger prints.

Turkey place mat made with hand prints. The place mat says:

This isn't just a turkey
as anyone can see.
This  a very special turkey
was made by hand by me!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We made a thankful tree.
Each child received a leaf and wrote what he/she was thankful for.

During the 2 week study, we made clothing for a Pilgrim and Indian. Each child chose what he/she wanted to be at the Thanksgiving feast. My child decided on a Pilgrim.

Our feast was wonderful! 

I am so thankful I am able to teach my child this year.

I have so many blessings in my life. I would count them one by one but this would be an extra long post!

I pray that you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving tomorrow!

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