Our homeschool group went on a field trip to Old Alabama Town. This is a place that will take you back to what Alabama looked like many decades ago. Back in the day….meaning 4th grade……I went on this same field trip. It's funny the things you remember from your childhood. I can remember a field trip once to a store but can't remember Old Alabama Town. In my defense, there was a tornado that day so that may why.
Ella participated in a class that morning where she was taught many skills such as candle making, etc. Laney and I met up with the group after lunch for the tour. As many times as I have heard or visited places from long ago, I find it intriguing! Although I enjoy some of the modern day conveniences, I think it would be nice to live during a period where it's not so tech savy and busy.
Here are some of the things we saw during the tour.
the school building |
the store |
a home |
doctor |
our group |
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