Friday we went to Pensacola Beach to see the Blue Angels. We had such a great time! The only thing missing was Carmel(he had to work).

Laney and our neighbors kids Jordan, Gracie and Bella.

Griffin and Brandon

They had hoses in the middle of the sand that sprayed water out. We took advantage of those several times. While the planes flew, no one was allowed in the water. They were quite refreshing!

I took this picture because I was amazed at how many people were there. Before the Blue Angels performed, they let everyone get in the water. There was this huge swarm of people racing for the water.

The Fat Albert

The Blue Angels

The Blue Angels get a little loud. Can you tell?

We had our going away party at church Friday night. We ate and then they gave us a few going away gifts. Carmel got a new helmet and gloves for his motorcycle.

On Tuesday's for the past 2 years Ella and I have been going to Mrs Helen's house to paint. They gave Ella a quilt.

and I was given a hand painted Georgia peach chair. I have learned so much from Mrs. Helen and the other ladies. I will miss our Tuesdays together at the sweat shop.
Today we kept Carli while her mom had to go to a meeting. I needed something to keep them busy and for mine to keep them from aggrivating each other. I decided to make Edible Fun Dough. It is easy, fun, and best of all edible. The kids had a great time and it was great for all ages(notice Griffin playing).

Laney made a snowman.

Griffin made a large cookie

Carli told me she made a snake

Edible Fun Dough recipe:
1 cup peanut butter
1 cup honey
2 cups powdered milk
mix ingredients and play. Add more powdered milk to make it more workable dough.
My house is a mess because I would much rather have fun! I will let the packers pick it up.
laney has a lovelycunt