I am going to go ahead and warn you on this post. It is quite disgusting but I am going to share anyways. If you have a weak stomach or get grossed out at anytime you may exit. And no I do not have pictures to go along with it(that would just be to gross!!!)
I was hanging some pictures in Ella's room when I hear Laney screaming. I ask her what is wrong. She says "It hurts so much it won't come out." I then realize she is on the pot and is constipated. I then proceed to tell her the best thing to do is breath and get a book to look at. Well, several screams later she finally gets done. She tells me "Mom my bottom hurts so bad." Being the all knowing mother that I am, I tell her to go sit down and rest her bottom for it has had a workout.
Well, later on that night at the supper table while we are eating, Laney(my child who will say whatever is on her mind) decides to tell daddy the story of her big poop. She tells him, " Today I had to go to the bathroom and my poop wouldn't come out. It hurt so much. It was like having a baby. I had to push it out. It was huge!! When I got done, my bottom hurt and mom told me to go rest it. I guess I will be adding more fiber in Laney's diet.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
We just finished our second week of homeschooling and boy was it a challange. I am usually a very organized person but I just had a hard time getting it together this week. We recieved our materials late so we are trying to catch up, I had several unexpected things pop up, I am still trying to learn how the program works and I have lost my voice from talking so much. Many things get put on the "I will do it later list" like cleaning, washing clothes, errands and getting our house put together. I know it will come as a shock to some of you but I have not even had time to shop. I can't believe I am missing out on all that freeeee stuff but.... my kids needs come first. I know that I will be on top of things again(hopefully soon!) and juggle it all. That is what us super moms are expected to do.
Even though I have had a rough week, I am looking forward to this upcoming year. I have alot of ideas and plans. I went tonight to a CO-OP meeting and signed Laney and Ella up for a study of Eric Carle(children's author) class and Laney up for an acting class(she should love this since she talks to herself in the mirror all the time). I am going to stop talking now and leave you with what a wise 3 year old did the other day. She must have known I was having a bad day because she tells me "Mommy, you need a kiss and a hug."
Even though I have had a rough week, I am looking forward to this upcoming year. I have alot of ideas and plans. I went tonight to a CO-OP meeting and signed Laney and Ella up for a study of Eric Carle(children's author) class and Laney up for an acting class(she should love this since she talks to herself in the mirror all the time). I am going to stop talking now and leave you with what a wise 3 year old did the other day. She must have known I was having a bad day because she tells me "Mommy, you need a kiss and a hug."
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Our busy weekend
We had quite a busy weekend. Friday, we went to some friends house to go swimming and then back home for make your own pizza night( this has become a Friday favorite). Saturday, the girls and I went to a Ladies Prayer Breakfast at church. As you can see in the picture below we were to wear green.
Ella and I then headed to an Ariel swimming birthday party while Carmel took Laney to a skating party( no pictures because I was not there). That night Carmel , Griffin and the Meek's men went to a Braves game while the girls watched movies.

Laney has had a loose front tooth for about 3 weeks. For the past week and a half that same tooth has been barely hanging on. She would not pull it because she said she was too nervous. I wish I had a before shot because this tooth was starting to decay and turn black. I told her the darker your tooth gets the less $ the tooth fairy gives you. I guess that was not a good motivator for her because tonight we put an end to the dangling decaying black tooth. I got ready to pull it and Laney said "mom let's say a prayer first." Okay I said. Laney says "Dear God, Please let my tooth come out and let it not hurt and please tell the tooth fairy to give a lot of $." After 40 minutes of trying to get her to cooperate, I very unexpectedly yanked on the dental floss and out it came.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
First day of school....in our pajamas?????
We started our first day of homeschooling yesterday. To make things easier and fun, I declared it pajama day. Laney then says, "You mean I can stay in my pajamas all day." I have been explaining to them what homeschooling is, what we will be doing and the rules that come with it. I guess they loved the field trip idea because they both wanted to go on a field trip the first day. Laney said Monkey Joes and Ella said Chuck E Cheese. So we had talk 2 about going on EDUCATIONAL field trips. We did go to CVS and learned about how $ does not grow on trees!

Our school room is in the office. With just a little more organization on my part and I think it will do just fine.
Just a few humorous things:
Our school room is in the office. With just a little more organization on my part and I think it will do just fine.
Last night I was gathering a few checks we needed to put into our account. I looked in the dish in the kitchen and a $250 check was missing. I asked around if anyone had seen it. All no's. I spent several minutes tearing the house apart. It finally hit me. I told the girls to clean there room and you know what that means......everything ends up under the bed. Sure enough...under Ella's. As soon as I pulled it out she says, "I knew it was there the whole time."
Laney told me while I was getting ready to fix supper that she wanted to help. As we were preparing it she says, "Mom I want to cook when I grow up." You want to be a chef, I say. Laney says, "No, I want to be a plain mom like you." OHH! I say and what is a plain mom? She says, "One that is at home all day or either goes shopping."
Laney tells me last night that she is going to sleep good because she is going to dream about kissing her boyfriend (a boy back in Fl whom she has already claimed as her husband). Yes.....we are installing bars on her window tomorrow!
Laney tells me last night that she is going to sleep good because she is going to dream about kissing her boyfriend (a boy back in Fl whom she has already claimed as her husband). Yes.....we are installing bars on her window tomorrow!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Our new home and 2 biker chics
We like it and it is enough space for us right now. Plus, We have great neighbors right across the street from us. They have a girl Laney's age, a boy Ella's age and a dog Chewy's age.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Happy Birthday to my MOM!
Today is my mom's birthday. She is sk#dfs&nv(oh my! I don't know what just happened to my computer!).We wish that we could have spent the day with her but instead Ella would like to sing her favorite song these days. "You are so bootiful to me. tan't you see......You everyting I hoped for. You everyting I need. You are so are so bootiful.... to me. Here are a few pictures of my beautiful mom
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Pool Fun!
Before I get to our pool fun I wanted to share a few pictures of of my niece. My sister came to visit last week before she had to return to teaching. My house was a wreck but I was glad to have them visit to keep my mind off the mess. I got a few pictures of Emma that I just had to share. Here is a picture of Emma going cross eyed. Too funny!
Laney will make a great mom one day. She just loved holding and feeding Emma.

Emma would be laying on the bed looking around the room and Chewy would curl up right beside her. Emma kept kicking him but he would not budge.
Now for our pool fun. I have spent all week trying to get this house in order. I am OCD when it comes to the house being organized and everything in its place. I can only live in caos for so long. After a few days of trying to declutter, I felt we needed some overdue fun. We went swimming at the pool on base. We must have needed it because we stayed until 7:00.
The kids loved jumping off what we call the high diving board.

We had so much fun that we went back the next day!
Emma would be laying on the bed looking around the room and Chewy would curl up right beside her. Emma kept kicking him but he would not budge.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Things I will miss about Florida
This is a tribute to our time spent in Florida. Here are a few of the things I will miss about Florida.....
Our church family
Our neighbors the Reyes and Browns
The wonderful friends my kids had
My roomy house
Discussing frugal tips with my frugal friends(Tara and Amber)
Painting with Mrs Helen and the other ladies at the "Sweat Shop"
Mr Cliff's fist taps
Mr Ronnie's voice saying "Hey, I know you"
All the fun things to do in the summer
The water parks
The pool
Mommy and Me
All the great places to eat
Ms. Heather at the library
Looking out my window and seeing trees
Thank you to all our friends in Crestview, Florida for making our 2 year stay so special!
Our church family
Our neighbors the Reyes and Browns
The wonderful friends my kids had
My roomy house
Discussing frugal tips with my frugal friends(Tara and Amber)
Painting with Mrs Helen and the other ladies at the "Sweat Shop"
Mr Cliff's fist taps
Mr Ronnie's voice saying "Hey, I know you"
All the fun things to do in the summer
The water parks
The pool
Mommy and Me
All the great places to eat
Ms. Heather at the library
Looking out my window and seeing trees
Thank you to all our friends in Crestview, Florida for making our 2 year stay so special!
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